Two unique train cars were intended to be used in this mission, but only one of these train cars was reused in later missions. This mission, also known as "tre2" in the files, basically involved Arthur and Dutch fighting off bounty hunters from Boston while on a train. A model for the blown up Cornwall Freight and Commodities building still exists within the game files, as well as a mission image featuring Arthur planting the dynamite. The mission would've involved Arthur planting dynamite underneath the Cornwall Freight and Commodities building before having to stop a witness, blowing the fuses, and escaping a shootout involving an Iron Mule in a train before both the train and the Iron Mule would've crashed, leading to Arthur and Micah jumping off the train and escaping. This cut missions, named "ind2" in the game files, was supposed to involve Arthur, Micah, Hosea, and Abigail trying to test the law response times before "Banking, The Old American Art".